SPECIAL collaborates with other (mostly EU-funded) research and development projects and initiatives. Moreover, we build upon solutions of past projects to improve the state of the art in the field of privacy-preserving big data technologies. The goal is to bring together knowledge, innovation and best practices which match the R&D objectives of SPECIAL. Our project and its alliances support each other in their dissemination efforts to raise awareness for the outcomes of our work.
Data-driven innovation is deeply transforming society and the economy. Although there are potentially enormous economic and social benefits this innovation also brings new challenges for individual and collective privacy, security, as well as democracy and participation. The main objective of the CSA e-SIDES is to complement the research on privacy-preserving big data technologies, by analyzing, mapping and clearly identifying the main societal and ethical challenges emerging from the adoption of big data technologies, conforming to the principles of responsible research and innovation; setting up and organizing a sustainable dialogue between industry, research and social actors, as well as networking with the main Research and Innovation Actions and Large Scale Pilots and other framework program projects interested in these issues. It will investigate stakeholders’ concerns, and collect their input, framing these results in a clear conceptual framework showing the potential trade-offs between conflicting needs and providing a basis to validate privacy-preserving technologies. It will prepare and widely disseminate community shared conclusions and recommendations highlighting the best way to ultimately build confidence of citizens and businesses towards big data and the data economy.
The PRIVACY & US innovative training network will train creative, entrepreneurial and innovative early stage researchers (ESRs) to be able to reason, design and develop innovative solutions to questions related to the protection of citizens’ privacy, considering the multidisciplinary and intersectoral aspects of the issue. The ESRs will receive comprehensive training and engage in intersectoral collaboration. Through this collaborative effort, the project will contribute to shaping future privacy policies and practices in Europe and will significantly advance the state of the art in privacy and usability research.
‘RestAssured (Secure Data Processing in the Cloud) will deliver end-to-end cloud architectures and methodologies for assuring secure data processing in the cloud, thereby empowering cloud providers and application developers to offer secure cloud services at competitive cost.’
The Big Data Value Association is the private counterpart to the EU Commission to implement the BDV PPP programme (Big Data Value Public-Private Partnership). BDVA has over 150 members all over Europe with a well-balanced composition of large and small and medium-sized industries as well as research organizations.
The objectives of the Association) are to boost European Big Data Value research, development and innovation and to foster a positive perception of Big Data Value.
MyHealthMyData (MHMD) is poised to be an open biomedical information network centred on the connection between organisations and individuals, encouraging hospitals to start making anonymised data available for open research, while prompting citizens to become the ultimate owners and controllers of their health data. MHMD is intended to become an information marketplace, based on mechanisms of trust and direct, value-based relationships between EU citizens, hospitals, research centres and businesses. Key elements:
Dynamic Consent
Personal Data Accounts
Smart Contracts
Multilevel De-identification and Encryption Technologies
The SODA project (Scalable Oblivious Data Analytics) enables practical privacy-preserving analytics of information from multiple data assets using multi-party computation techniques. This means data does not need to be shared, only made available for encrypted processing. Health care is the first use case.
The CANVAS Consortium (Constructing an Alliance for Value-driven Cybersecurity) aims to unify technology developers with legal and ethical scholar and social scientists to approach the challenge how cybersecurity can be aligned with European values and fundamental rights.
ReCRED (From Real-world Identities to Privacy-preserving and Attribute-based CREDentials for Device-centric Access Control) is a European project (H2020 program) that aims to design and implement mechanisms that anchor all access control (AC) needs to mobile devices that users habitually use and carry. It aims to build integrated next generation access control (AC) solution that: i) solves the following problems that stem from the weaknesses of the current authentication methods, ii) is aligned with current technological trends and capabilities, iii) offers a unifying access control framework that is suitable for a multitude of use cases that involve online and physical authentication and authorization via an off-the-shelf mobile device and iv) is attainable and feasible to implement in the existing products under the scope and time frame of the project.
COMPACT intends to empower local public administrations to become the main actors of their cyber-resilience improvement process by providing them with effective tools and services for removing security bottlenecks.
SANSA is an open-source framework and community for processing large-scale RDF knowledge graphs. It supports horizontally scalable querying, inference and machine learning capabilities via distributed in-memory computing. It is based on the popular Apache Spark and Flink frameworks.
Lynx - Legal Knowledge Graph for Multilingual Compliance Services is to create an ecosystem of smart cloud services to better manage compliance, based on a legal knowledge graph (LKG) which integrates and links heterogeneous compliance data sources including legislation, case law, standards and other private contracts.
HUB4NGI -THE NEXT GENERATION INTERNET, is the first Coordination and Support Action dedicated to transforming the Next Generation Internet initiative into an increasingly dynamic, collaborative, vibrant and participatory Research and Innovation Ecosystem.
CitySpin - CYBER-PHYSICAL SOCIAL SYSTEMS FOR CITY-WIDE INFRASTRUCTURES aims to create a platform for cyber-physical social systems in order to facilitate innovative Smart City infrastructure services. The project is at the forefront of cyber-physical systems research and aims to extend those systems with a social dimension (i.e., cyber-physical social systems).
The valuable insights that can be inferred from data analytics generated and collected from a variety of devices and applications are transforming businesses and are therefore one of the key motivations for organisations to adopt such technologies. Nevertheless, the data being analysed and processed are highly sensitive and put the individuals’ privacy at risk. Nowadays, the current European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) represents a major challenge for companies (especially small-medium enterprises) as they are required to follow a privacy-by-design) approach into their systems and to adopt Privacy Enhancing Technologies that on the one hand, protect data to ensure their clients’ privacy and on the other allow their processing while keeping them meaningful, useful, and protected at the same time. The PAPAYA project aims at addressing the privacy concerns when data analytics tasks are performed by untrusted third-party data processors. Since these tasks may be performed obliviously on protected data (i.e. encrypted data), the PAPAYA will design and develop dedicated privacy preserving data analytics modules that will enable data owners to extract valuable information from this protected data, while being cost-effective and accurate.
MOSAICrOWN aims to enable data sharing and collaborative analytics in multi-owner scenarios in a privacy-preserving way, ensuring proper protection of private/sensitive/confidential information. MOSAICrOWN will provide effective and deployable solutions allowing data owners to maintain control on the data sharing process, enabling selective and sanitized disclosure providing for efficient and scalable privacy-aware collaborative computations. This goal will be achieved by providing: i) a data governance framework able to capture and combine the protection requirements that can be possibly specified by multiple parties, who have a say over the data, to empower them with more control over such data; ii) effective and efficient protection techniques that can be integrated in current technologies and that enforce protection while enabling efficient and scalable data sharing and processing.
The mission of the W3C Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls CG (DPVCG) is to develop a taxonomy of privacy terms, which include in particular terms from the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), such as a taxonomy of personal data as well as a classification of purposes (i.e., purposes for data collection), and events of disclosures, consent, and processing such personal data.