The digital economy is generating vast amounts of data, often personal data, and the volume is growing all the time. The data is worth money and clever algorithms use it to provide convenient services. But the risks of misuse, intentional or not, are great. Data protection is now the law, but beyond the law, there are ethical challenges. Is security really a priority, are people told what happens to their data, are accidents truthfully reported? And, in fact, how do you do that? Are there social and technical means to help? Are there best practices and is there a need for new standards and guidelines?
We are organising a conference/workshop on data ethics, together with three other EU-funded research projects focused on privacy protection technologies, transparency and legal compliance: e-SIDES, SODA and WeNet. The event takes place in Brussels, at the Solvay Library, on the 14th of November 2019. The event is free, but registration is required. There are only a limited number of seats available.
The conference is part of the series of events called the European Big Data Value Forum and is organised in the context of the BDV-PPP (Big Data Value Public-Private Partnership), of which all four projects are members.