Logo of MyData 2017

MyData 2017 is a conference that takes place in two cities (Tallinn and Helsinki), on two days (August 30 and September 1), with a boat ride in between.

Part of the conference consists of workshops, and in one of those, the ‘Technical building blocks workshop’ in Tallinn, our Axel Polleres will talk about SPECIAL. The workshop's conclusions will then be presented in a plenary session.

The MyData conference is part of a collection of projects about personal data management, with the central concept that personal data is the property of the person and should be a ‘resource’ that the person can control and exploit, in particular by means of appropriate software. The inventors give it the subtitle of ‘A Nordic Model for human-centered personal data management and processing’.

The full program of the conference is expected towards the end of May.

This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 731601

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