A workshop on Linked Data and Privacy, jointly organized by W3C and SPECIAL, and hosted by the Vienna University of Economics and Business, will take place on 17 & 18 April 2018 (new dates!)
Note: A previous announcement had the dates 7 & 8 March, The new dates are 17 & 18 April. The deadline has shifted accordingly.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to the following (quoting from the call for contributions):
- Privacy and Transparency in Linked Data
- Identity management vocabularies
- Categories of sensitive and personal data
- Modeling personal data usage, processing, sharing, and tracking
- Modeling/Interlinking aspects of privacy and provenance
- Modeling consent and making it transportable
- Vocabularies to model privacy policies, regulations, and involved (business) processes
- New ways to put the user in control benefiting from semantic interoperability of policy information
- Modeling permissions, obligations, and their scope in dealing with personal data (particularly, profiles and extensions of ORDL and POE)
- Reasoning about formally declared privacy policies, in order to detect policy violations, breach and enforce policies
- Exploring links and synergies using Linked Data vocabularies in the context of related efforts such as W3C's Social Web WG, Verifiable Claims WG, ODRL/POE WG, Credentials CG, and PROV WG or other (non-W3C) efforts (e.g. OASIS XDI, OASIS COEL, Kantarainitiative’s CISWG).
- Visualizations of data and policy information to help data self determination, especially taking up the challenge of useful simplifications and layered approaches
The deadline for expressions of interest is the 26th of February 2018. See the workshop page for details.